About Me

- PhD in Computer Science
- Software Developer
I'm Jesus Mauricio Chimento, PhD in computer science.
I work as a Software Application Developer at Jeppesen Systems AB,
a Boeing company. Before joining Jeppesen I worked as postdoctoral
researcher at KTH university (Stockholm), in the the department of Software
and Computer Systems. In this postdoctoral position I worked on a
project regarding full-stack verification of
programs synthesized from timed automata.
My research interests focus on studying Formal Methods, Certified Programming and Functional Programming.
Regarding Formal Methods, I am keen on studying Software Specification and
Software Verification, in particular Theorem Proving and Runtime Verification.
The lists below correspond to a summary of my skills as a software developer.
Hard Skills
Soft Skills
Professional Experience
Software Application Developer
2021 - ongoing
Jeppesen Systems, a Boeing company. Gothenburg, Sweden
- Currently I am working as a software application developer on the Jeppesen Crew Tracking system.
High-Confidence Formal Verification of Real Cyber-Physical Systems: from Models to Machine Code
2019 - 2021
KTH University, Stockholm, Sweden
- Research project regarding full-stack verification of programs synthesized from timed automata.
- My key achievements were the implementation of a model checker for timed automata, and formally verifying that the model checker is sound.
- All this work was developed using the COQ proof assistant.
Unified Static and Runtime Verification of Object-Oriented Software
2013 - 2016
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
- Research project regarding the combination of static and runtime verification techniques.
- I developed in Haskell a tool, called StaRVOOrS, which combines the use of the runtime verifier LARVA with the (static) deductive verifier KeY. Both verifiers target Java programs.
- I extended the APIs of the verifiers mentioned above in order to support their use within StarVOOrS, and added specific functionalities for the combined verification process. Both APIs are implemented in Java.
2011 - 2013
Instituto de Computación, Montevideo, Uruguay
- Research project regarding the formalisation and verification of an idealised model of a virtualisation platform.
- My key achievement in this project was specifying and verifying the correctness of the memory management of an idealized model of a virtualization platform, in the presence of actions executed by the underlying system.
- All this work was developed using the COQ proof assistant.
Internship at the National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology (INRIA)
INRIA, Nancy, France
- During this intership I checked the effectiveness of using the language Pluscal 2.0 for specifying distributed algorithms, tested its compiler, and fixed several bugs spotted during the testing phase.
- This compiler is implemented in Java.
Teaching Experience
I have worked as teaching assistant in all of the courses listed below.
Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)
2013 - 2018
- Concurrent Programming (2016-2018)
- Formal Methods for Software Development (2017)
- Software Engineering using Formal Methods (2014-2016)
- Introduction to Functional Programming (2014-2016)
- Programming Language Technology (2015)
- Object Oriented Programming (2014)
- Testing, Debugging and Verification (2013-2017)
Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina)
2006 - 2012
- Analysis of Programming Languages I (2012 - 2013)
- Course responsible for an introductory course to the CS. program (2012)
- Communications (2012)
- Formal Program Construction In Type Theory (2011-2012)
- Introduction to Computer Science (2011)
- Data Structures (2007 - 2009)
- Programming Languages Analysis II (2007 - 2010)
- Computer Architecture (2006)
Doctoral Studies
2013 - 2019
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
- PhD degree in Computer Science
- Thesis title: Combined static and dynamic verification of object oriented software through partial proofs
- Supervised by: Wolfgang Ahrendt (main supervisor), and Gerardo Schneider
Licentiate in Computer Science
2013 - 2016
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
- Thesis title: Unified Static and Runtime Verification of Object-Oriented Software
- Supervised by: Wolfgang Ahrendt (main supervisor), and Gerardo Schneider
Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Computación
2005 - 2012
Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, Argentina
- 5-years computer science degree + final Thesis, equivalent to a Master degree in the EU system
- Thesis Title:
Memory Models Analysis in Virtualization Platforms.
Formalizing a Functional Prototype of such a Platform with Cache and TLB.
(available only in Spanish) - Supervised by: Carlos Luna (main supervisor), and Gustavo Betarte
Throughout my academic life I have published, in collaboration with some colleagues, the following papers:
Testing Meets Static and Runtime Verification
J. M. Chimento, W. Ahrendt, and G. Schneider.
FormaliSE'18. June 02, 2018. Pages 30-39. ACM.
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Verifying data- and control-oriented properties combining static and runtime verification: theory and tools
W. Ahrendt, J. M. Chimento, G. Pace, and G. Schneider.
Formal Methods in System Design. 04 April 2017. Springer.
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StaRVOORS: A Tool for Combined Static and Runtime Verification of Java
J. M. Chimento, W. Ahrendt, G. Pace, and G. Schneider.
Runtime Verification 2015 (RV'15). Volume 9333 of LNCS, pages 297-305, Vienna, Austria,
September 23-25 2015. Springer
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A Specification Language for Static and Runtime Verification of Data and Control Properties
W. Ahrendt, J. M. Chimento, G. Pace, and G. Schneider.
Formal Methods 2015 (FM'15), 20th International Symposium on Formal Methods.
Volume 9109 of LNCS, pages 108-125, Oslo, Norway, June 24-26 2015. Springer.
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Formally verified implementation of an idealized model of virtualization
Gilles Barthe, Gustavo Betarte, Juan Diego Campo, Jesús Mauricio Chimento and Carlos Luna.
19th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES 2013)
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